all your social media accounts disappeared?

What if...

For a business owner this can mean losing an entire audience of potential clients. It could mean losing the only means of communication you have with the masses AND it can mean a loss of revenue for your business.

All that time and effort you put into building up a following...just vanished? 

Get your FREE Email Marketing Starter Kit Here

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Something that would ensure you always have a line of communication that leads DIRECTLY to your ideal client

Curious Yet?

Your new favorite marketing plan

What if I told you there was another way?

Let me introduce you to Email Marketing

04. ownership

03. open rates

02. audience usage 

01. effectiveness

here's why?

Email marketing is ranked as the most effective marketing channel, beating out social media, SEO, and affiliate marketing.

People use email more than any other platform with the number of email users landing in the 3.9 Billion range

The average email open rate is around 25% - while the average social media posts only gets seen by about 4-6% of your audience

You have ownership of your audience!  You can't say the same thing for your social media following

Get your FREE Email Marketing Starter Kit Here

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