Struggling to grow your business during nap times, school lines, seeking balance? Been there, ready to guide you from survival to success!
I'm kendra! Your go-to girl for all things business and marketing
Imagine waking up every morning driven by your purpose, serving the type of clients who value your work. Purpose is powerful. It’s what drives us everyday to do the work that we do and serve our clients well. If you’re struggling in business right now, I want you to ask yourself this question: Why I do what I do?
This week on the GMB podcast I am chatting with author, podcast host, and entrepreneur Candice Coppola, who believes that if you want your dream business – you have to become the owner that dream business needs. As a successful entrepreneur who grew a business from the spare bedroom of her home into a multi-country, multi-six figure company – it’s safe to say she’s navigated the bumpy road of entrepreneurship. Her 5-star podcast, The Power in Purpose, explores how to build a profitable business with purpose—and the stories behind successful entrepreneurs who have. Check out what she has to say and follow along with her on social media for more tips and advice.
This week’s call to action (CTA) is to join the Girl Means Business FB group for more in-depth conversations around the weekly podcast episodes, business and marketing tips and a community of like-minded women to connect with.