
Welcome to the blog

The article provides 10 creative marketing ideas for growing a photography business. Key strategies include leveraging social media, creating a stunning website, networking, hosting workshops, offering mini sessions, utilizing email marketing, engaging with the community, leveraging client testimonials, running contests, and optimizing online presence. Consistency and authenticity are emphasized for success.

July 25, 2024

10 Creative Marketing Ideas for Photographers to Boost Your Business

Creative Marketing Ideas for Photographers


Blogging helps share expertise, build a brand, and connect with a community. Tips include knowing your audience, creating catchy headlines, storytelling, using visuals, maintaining a conversational tone, including calls to action, staying consistent, and being authentic. These strategies make your content engaging and relatable, encouraging reader interaction and loyalty.

July 22, 2024

How to Create Engaging Content for Your Photography Blog: Tips & Tricks

Blogging tips for photographers


Creating a powerful and recognizable brand is crucial for any photographer looking to stand out in a crowded market. A strong brand goes beyond just a logo or a business card; it encapsulates your style, values, and the unique experience you offer your clients. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you build a strong photography […]

June 20, 2024

How to Build a Strong Photography Brand

How to build a strong photography brand

Social Media

Ready to dive into some game-changing marketing strategies that will help you take your photography business to the next level in 2024? Whether you’re just starting out or looking to refresh your approach, I’ve got you covered with actionable tips that are sure to make a big impact. 1. Showcase Your Unique Style In a […]

June 13, 2024

Top Marketing Strategies for Photographers in 2024

Marketing Trends for Photographers


The post highlights an insightful chat with business coach Brittni Schroeder, focusing on her transition from photographer to entrepreneur. She emphasizes the value of email marketing, nurturing email lists, and balancing valuable content with sales. Brittni advises starting simple with sales funnels and leveraging analytics, multi-platform strategies, and community engagement for business growth.

May 30, 2024

Simple Sales Funnels For Photographers

Simple Sales Funnels for Photographer


If you’re an artist looking to monetize your skills, explore digital products like mini-courses, templates, and guides tailored to your audience’s needs. Effective marketing through platforms and social media can boost visibility. Quality and authenticity are crucial. Harness digital opportunities to create passive income and grow your business.

May 30, 2024

Creating Extra Income With Digital Products

Add Extra Income With Digital Products


Small business owners must decide between organic and paid marketing. Organic marketing, involving SEO, blogging, and networking, builds long-term trust and loyalty but requires time and effort. Paid marketing, including social media and search engine ads, offers quick exposure but can be costly and has challenges. A balanced approach may be ideal.

May 30, 2024

When & How to Use Paid vs Organic Marketing In Your Photography Business

Paid vs organic marketing for your photography business


Today’s discussion emphasizes the importance of identifying your Unique Selling Point (USP) to differentiate your business. Unlike a niche, which defines your market, the USP adds a special element that enchants clients, providing services like VIP treatments and personalized experiences. Successfully crafting a USP involves understanding customer feedback, drawing inspiration from favorite brands, and deeply knowing your audience to create a tailored experience that attracts and retains clients, propelling your business to new heights.

April 30, 2024

Unveiling Your Unique Selling Point: A Roadmap to Business Success

What is your Unique Selling Point


Take a moment and think back to the last amazing experience you had with a brand or business. Maybe it was a boutique you shopped at, a memorable dining experience or a stand-out interaction with a service provider. What was it that made that experience stand out? Did it make you want to tell other […]

March 20, 2024

From Start to Finish: Crafting a Memorable Client Experience

Design a share-worthy client experience for your photography clients


It never fails – as soon as the “slow seasons” in photography hit I see post after post on social media where photographers are thinking about doing a Giveaway as a way to boost engagement and bookings. While Giveaways can be a great way to grow your following and reach a wider audience, there are […]

March 8, 2024

How to Run a Successful Giveaway to Grow Your Audience and Business

How to run a photography giveaway
